Author Archives: Graeme Warnock

Overcome the Impacts of High Rainfall on Grazing


Extreme rainfall is steadily on the rise and is impacting on the availability of micronutrients to grazing animals. The Met Office has reported via the UK Climate report that the UK has become nine percent wetter over the last few decades. EPA Climate Ireland have also reported a seven percent increase in rainfall in the […]

Tupping Sheep: Nutritional Advice for Fertility and Performance

Crystalyx Extra High Energy feed licks for sheep

is Whatever your land type or market target, the number of lambs you rear will impact the income you reap from your sheep enterprise. Tupping sheep is the starting point for avoiding those empty sheep that don’t pay the bills. The best thing you can do is to look back at your previous lambing’s. What […]

Fly Control Mastered by Grazing System

fly control

For dairy and suckler farms that have livestock out to pasture during the summer months, fly control is vital. There’s the threat of summer mastitis in replacement heifers and dry cows. There’s also the threat of the Bluetongue viral disease transmitted by infected midges. Rain combined with a rise in temperatures make for the perfect […]

Is Your View On Ruminant Supplementation Balanced?

Is Your View On Ruminant Supplementation Balanced?

The importance of minerals, trace elements, and vitamins in every living function has been long understood. There are fifteen essential macro minerals and trace elements that are ‘required for life’ and vital for animal performance. On this basis alone, supplementation can be crucial.  The agricultural sector has taken huge strides forward in precisely meeting biological […]

Get Ready For Turnout With Crystalyx

Crystalyx Cattle Booster for dairy and beef livestock

Turning stock out to grass in spring comes as a relief to many farmers, but animal performance and health can suffer if stock are not maintained on a nutritionally balanced diet. Careful supplementation at grass can be catalyst for enhanced animal performance and improved profitability. Crystalyx Cattle High-Mag, Crystalyx Cattle Booster and Crystalyx Garlyx offer […]

Cattle Licks Drive Production from Calf to Cow

Cattle licks

Uncontrollable challenge is the norm for dairy farmers. Feed price volatility, unpredictable and sometimes extreme weather, tightening environmental requirements, and subsidy changes – to name a few. The Crystalyx range of cattle licks offers a cost-effective, all-weather and production-enhancing approach to supplementation. For one challenge taken control of.    The Crystalyx range of low moisture […]

The Feed Blocks for Sheep that Consistently Perform

Maintaining body condition in ewes from pre-tupping and in the run-up to lambing is vital for reproduction. Feed blocks for sheep are becoming increasingly commonplace for achieving this effectively, and there’s a good reason why.  We visit some sheep production systems in Ireland to see how the Crystalyx Extra High Energy feed blocks for sheep […]

Dry Period Supplementation Yields Great Results

Dry period

Feeding free-access feed licks during the dry period elevates cow fertility and milk yields in early lactation on high-performing Pembrokeshire dairy herd. Since using Crystalyx Transition 100, some cows are producing north of 40 litres a day within 10 days of calving. Mark and Caroline Davies farm 235-acres of grassland and milk 250 pedigree Holstein Friesian […]